IPAFFS : Import pre-notification
An IPAFFS pre-arrival notification is required for the import of certain product types shown below :-
POAO (Products of animal origin)
ABP (Animal by products)
HRFNAO (High risk food and feed not of animal origin)
Plants and plant based products
Composite products
Germinal products
Live animals
NOTE : Goods transiting GB (eg FR to IE via GB) still require an IPAFFS. Goods from NI directly to GB do not.
What else is required?
The products must be accompanied by a health certificate (or equivalent) as well as a catch certificate in the case of marine fish. The original health certificate must accompany the goods (not a copy).
- High-risk ABP, all regulated plants and plant products, all meats and meat products, HRFNAO
- Dairy products
- All other regulated products of animal origin including composite and fish products
We are registered to complete IPAFFS declarations and require very little additional documentation from you to do this. Officially the IPAFFS declaration must be lodged 24hours prior to arrival but this is likely to be reduced to 4 hours (as is the case with CHED's in EU).
Completion of an IPAFFS declaration returns a UNN number (format : IMP.GB.2021.1XXXXXX). This number does not need to be shown on the accompanying health certificate except for products classed as HRFNAO (see above). The UNN number is required for the GB import declaration to show that controls have been established.
Need an IPAFFS declaration?
- If the load has an accompanying certificate, order an IPAFFS declaration by completing the form below.
- If there is no certificate due to the easement please complete our masterdata sheet so we can use the normal customs information (and your masterdata) to create the IPAFFS declaration according to your requirements. The masterdata sheet can be downloaded HERE.